UNC Greensboro

Welcome Ed.D. in KIN Graduate Assistants 2023-2024 

As the new academic year begins, we have four graduate assistant students helping us in the Ed.D. in Kinesiology program. Maggie Best and Agustin Saldana are returning graduate assistants while Peyton Greco and Jane Bodinger are new to our program. Our graduate assistants are excited to be a part of … Continued

Celebrating the accomplishment of our Ed.D. in Kinesiology students

ed.d. cohort 2023

With our fall semester off to a good start, we want to pause to reflect back on our successful spring and summer semesters as many students achieved significant milestones while others started their academic journey in the Ed.D. in KIN program. A group of our students were featured at the Dissertation … Continued

Ed.D. in Kinesiology 2023 Dissertation Research

Dissertation Showcase 2023

In May 2023, the graduating class of the Doctor of Education in Kinesiology program presented their doctoral research to their peers, Kinesiology faculty members, and others at the Dissertation Showcase. The students designed the visual abstracts below to share their findings and the implications of the work with the community to help others potentially use the findings in their own settings.

Kinesiology Professor Shares Benefits of Sports on Kids

Alan Chu

Activities like riding a bike, “triggers hormonal releases, including endorphins that promote our brain health — reducing stress and improving sleep — and cognitive function, enhancing the ability to think,” said Alan Chu, certified mental performance consultant and associate professor of applied sport psychology at the University of North Carolina … Continued

Kinesiology Professor Encourages Exercise that Brings Joy

Dr. Jaclyn Maher

“These findings seem to align with previous research that developing a habit is complex and takes time,” Jaclyn Maher, an assistant professor of kinesiology at UNC Greensboro who was not associated with the study, told HuffPost. “At the very least, these findings (and others) suggest that the old adage that … Continued

Ed.D. in Kinesiology hosts social for UNCG basketball game

Students, alumni, and faculty members in the Ed.D. program got together and enjoyed a weekend of networking and basketball alongside family and friends! This was our first in-person social since the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the game, attendees tailgated in the Coleman gym where they had a great time enjoying some … Continued

Kinesiology “family” gathers at Nakhe conference in New Orleans


Our UNCG “KIN” family made an impressive showing at the NAKHE Conference in early January. This year’s conference theme was “Connections: Leading for Good in a Post-Pandemic World,” which focused on setting the stage for reconnection and reflection on lessons learned, challenges overcome, and opportunities discovered through the events of … Continued

Fall 2022 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony: Smiles and Celebrations

Fall 2022 Ed.d. Graduates

On December 8th, 2022, the EdD in KIN program celebrated the following graduates at UNCG’s doctoral hooding ceremony: Jene’ Baclawski, Alain Aguilar, Amber Fair Booker, and Dianne Habring-Frelich. Dr. Gill, Dr. Hemphill, and Dr. Brooks hooded these graduates in recognition of their achievements.