Zotero Webinar: Helping the Ed.D. cohort become productive and connected

Posted on November 05, 2014

Recently, members of the Ed.D. cohort attended a webinar to learn to use the citation management tool, Zotero. This session is part of our ongoing professional development and academic support being offered to our online student cohort. The goal of the session was to help streamline the resource collaboration and literature reviews that are part of the program. Zotero will also become an invaluable tool for the students when it is dissertation time. The webinar was led by HHS librarian Lea Leininger and on a Wednesday evening, the students all gathered virtually for a lesson on Zotero basics. There were lots of questions for Lea and she was extremely helpful in addressing any problems and concerns that were encountered. By the end of the webinar everyone was more knowledgeable and really excited to start using Zotero to make their lives easier during the research and writing process.  With the success of this webinar, we can’t wait to add additional virtual learning meetings!

“The real-time assistance and immediate interactions were very beneficial to our understanding of Zotero…”


“This was a fun session.  The participants were fabulous!  They contributed great questions and comments.”


Zotero is an online citation management program that allows collection, management, and online syncing of the user’s library on more than one computer, all while being integrated into your browser for ease of use during research. It also allows for group sharing and collaboration. This seems to be ideal for an online learning community like the Ed.D. cohort so the students were very excited at the opportunity for an education session.