Dr. Amanda Durall Balances Motherhood While Securing New Teaching Position

Posted on September 29, 2021

My name is Amanda Durall and I was recently hired as an Instructor in the Department of Health Science at California Baptist University. I teach in the division of Online and Professional Studies and my position is fully remote. I had twins at the beginning of 2020 and worked remotely through my maternity leave while finishing up my doctorate. A few months later, the pandemic began and my job stayed remote throughout the 2020-2021 academic year. I loved having the opportunity to stay at home with my kids while teaching online and decided to begin searching for a fully online position. The position at California Baptist University is a perfect fit for me because it allows me to teach fully online and to freely integrate my faith into my teaching. 

The Ed.D. program prepared me well for this position, as I was teaching in higher education full time while going through the program. Faculty in the Ed.D. program demonstrated incredible empathy while I navigated coursework, teaching, and pregnancy, offering any accommodations that I may need. Learning best practices in online pedagogy was also helpful as I began to enhance my online delivery as an instructor. The completion of a fully online doctoral program was a great experience that absolutely prepared me for a remote position. 

I completed my degree on my original timeline and was able to defend my dissertation with my cohort. While it certainly wasn’t easy, I think it’s a perfect example to show current and prospective students that you can achieve your personal and professional goals at the same time. There is no need to put aspects of your life on hold just because you think it will be too difficult. At times can it feel overwhelming? Absolutely. Is it impossible? No. Every part of completing your degree and navigating your life – down to the logistics and time management – prepares you well for your future. I am thankful to have found the online Ed.D. in Kinesiology at UNCG. It allowed me to earn a degree, with the help of supportive colleagues and faculty, without having to give up my job or put my hopes of growing a family on hold.