Ed.D. in KIN student Misti Wajciechowski and her team hosted STEM in Sports for teachers and students.

Posted on April 28, 2017

Ed.D. in KIN 2016 cohort student Misti Wajciechowski, assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and her colleague, Tim Lampe, director for athletic facilities with VCU Athletics hosted a “Richmond Virginia metro area (RVA) STEM in Sports” event at VCU Stuart C. Siegel Center for teachers and students in Richmond Public Schools. Misti stated that “the purpose of this event was to provide students with an opportunity to experience sport specific technology that is used to assess and enhance performance.” Students learned the connection between sport, technology, math, and science at 18 STEM stations. Misti explained that this event gave students hands on experience about how science, math, and technology impact movement and sports performance. Over 400 students had fun learning about cutting-edge sports technology.

Congratulations to Misti and her team for their interesting work!

To learn more about her story, click the following link: With ‘STEM in Sports,’ VCU gives 400 Richmond Public Schools students a look at cutting-edge sports technology, Sports bring STEM to life for Richmond Public School students.